How to Brush Your Teeth While Camping?


Camping is a great way to connect with the nature and its beauty is beyond imagintaion, With camping you can appreciate the beauty of nature with a fresh smile on your face. In this article we will tell you how to brush your teeth while camping. Brushing your teeth keep germs away from your teeth and maintain your hygiene.



How to bush your teeth while camping?

Its essential to keep your teeth while camping. You need to carry the essentials and find a proper way to brush your teeth. The tips mentioned below will help you brush your teeth while camping:

Choose the Right Toothbrush and Toothpaste

Always choose a compact, and lightweight toothbrush that’s easy to pack and won’t take up too much space. Many brands offer travel-sized toothbrushes with foldable handles. Additionally, select a travel-friendly toothpaste that’s fluoride-based to help protect your teeth from cavities. Remember, toothpaste with a sealable cap is a must to prevent any mess in your camping bag.

Pack a Portable Water Container

A sufficient water supply, including oral hygiene, is crucial for various camping activities. Pack a portable water container specifically for brushing your teeth. A minimum of 16 ounces (500ml) of water should be enough for a thorough brushing session. Look for collapsible water containers to save space in your camping gear.

Maintain Hand Hygiene

Before you begin brushing, ensure your hands are clean. Camping involves touching various surfaces; you wouldn’t want to transfer dirt and germs to your mouth. Use water and a small amount of biodegradable soap to wash your hands before touching your toothbrush and toothpaste.

Choose the Right Spot

Selecting an appropriate location for brushing your teeth is essential for maintaining proper hygiene and adhering to Leave No Trace principles. Choose an area at least 200 feet away from water sources to prevent contamination. If possible, use a small portable camping sink or a designated wash basin to catch the toothpaste residue.

Brushing Technique

Brushing technique plays a vital role in cleaning your teeth. Follow these steps for an effective brushing session:

  • Wet your toothbrush with a small amount of water.
  • Apply a pea-sized amount of toothpaste.
  • Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to your gums.
  • Use gentle circular motions to brush your teeth’ outer and inner surfaces.
  • Don’t forget to brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth to remove bacteria and maintain fresh breath.
  • Brush for at least two minutes or as recommended by your dentist.

Conservation Consciousness

While camping, it’s essential to be conscious of water usage. Use only the amount of water necessary for rinsing your mouth and toothbrush. Avoid letting the water run continuously, as this can lead to wastage.

After Brushing

After brushing your teeth:
1. Use the remaining water in your container to rinse your mouth thoroughly.
2. Spit the water onto a designated area away from water sources.
3. Remember to avoid spitting toothpaste residue onto the ground, as it can impact the environment.

Cleaning Your Gear

After each brushing session:
1. Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly and let it air dry.
2. Store it in a clean, dry place to prevent bacteria growth.
3. If possible, bring a toothbrush cover or case to keep it protected from dirt while in your camping bag.

Is brushing your teeth in the shower bad while camping?

Brushing your teeth in the shower while camping isn’t recommended due to water conservation concerns. Showers use a significant amount of water, and using extra water for brushing could strain limited resources, especially in remote camping areas. It’s better to brush your teeth separately using a minimal amount of water and a portable water container. This ensures that you maintain your oral hygiene while also being environmentally conscious and considerate of water usage in camping settings.

Are bears attracted to toothpaste?

Indeed, bears can be drawn to toothpaste because of its sweet scent. Toothpaste often contains flavors or sweeteners that resemble food to bears. When camping in bear country, storing toothpaste and scented items securely is vital. Opt for bear-resistant containers suspended from trees or bear-proof canisters to prevent attracting these creatures to your camping site. This approach not only safeguards your safety but also ensures wildlife preservation by minimizing human-bear interactions.

Is it dangerous to brush your teeth while camping?


Brushing your teeth while camping is generally not dangerous, but there are considerations. Proper waste disposal of toothpaste is essential, as its sweet scent can attract wildlife like bears. Additionally, using excessive water can strain resources, especially in remote areas. Choose a suitable location, use minimal water, and opt for biodegradable products. Being cautious about waste and water usage ensures that you maintain oral hygiene without harming the environment or attracting wildlife to your campsite.

Can we can use teeth-cleaning twigs while camping?

Absolutely, you can use teeth-cleaning twigs, also known as miswak or chewing sticks, while camping. These natural alternatives to toothbrushes have been used for centuries and offer eco-friendly oral hygiene. They are lightweight, biodegradable, and don’t require water or toothpaste. Chewing on the twig’s frayed end cleans teeth effectively. However, ensure proper identification of safe twigs and brush gently to prevent gum irritation. Embracing teeth-cleaning twigs can enhance your camping experience by embracing traditional methods and reducing your environmental footprint. For more ideas, visit my Pinterest.


Camping is a fantastic way to connect with nature and unwind from the stresses of daily life. However, neglecting your oral hygiene can lead to discomfort and potential dental issues. By following these expert tips on how to brush your teeth while camping, you can enjoy your outdoor adventures while maintaining a healthy and fresh smile. Remember, a little preparation and the right techniques go a long way in ensuring your dental well-being during your camping escapades.


Q1: Can I use regular toothpaste while camping?

A: Yes, you can, but consider using biodegradable toothpaste to minimize your environmental impact. Regular toothpaste might contain chemicals that can harm aquatic life when disposed of improperly in natural settings.

Q2: Do I need to brush my teeth differently while camping?

A: The brushing technique remains the same, but be mindful of water usage. Use a small amount of water from a portable container and spit it into an appropriate location away from water sources to follow Leave No Trace principles.

Q3: Are there alternatives to toothbrushes for camping?

A: Absolutely; you can opt for teeth-cleaning twigs, also known as miswak or chewing sticks. These natural twigs have been used for oral hygiene for centuries and are eco-friendly and lightweight.

Q4: How do I store my toothbrush and toothpaste while camping?

A: Store your toothbrush in a clean, dry place, preferably with a cover or case to prevent dirt buildup. Toothpaste should be sealed tightly and stored alongside your other camping supplies, ideally in a scent-proof container to deter wildlife.
